Saturday, March 2, 2013

Going to Kolkata (Dakshineswar)

Day 6: We had a group breakfast and said goodbye to our guide Satish. Because the tickets were originally booked for Rajiv, our guide of trips past who at the last minute was unable to join us this year, KVT had to rebook for Satish and our flight was full. So Satish had to fly out several hours ahead of us.
Marty assumed control of our little group and very successfully ushered us through the airport and luggage queues. We are on our way to a four day retreat at the SRF/YSS ashram in Dakshrineswar.
One thing I have not seen in this part of India that is so evident in the south, is open sewage drains. Thank you! Now to discover what Kolkata will bring.
Later: The YSS ashram is small compared to the US ashrams but so much beauty and devotion is here that the size is irrelevant. Meditation nooks everywhere, a beautiful temple, and mandir with "cave" that Ma used during her visits. We are right on the bank of the Ganges with twinkling city lights across the river and thousands of stars above. The sun set was breathtaking.
The guest rooms are similar to the ones I stayed in last trip. We are three to a room, cotton pads on wood frames, hot water for one hour a day, little floor space but very clean. AND SCREENS! To keep the monkeys out. They are everywhere! Thank goodness I brought a flashlight--after the meditation service this to evening the generator failed.  I almost fell to a serious injury down the marble stairs when in the dark I didn't see the first step. Fortunately Jyosna had forgotten something and was coming back up to collect it and catch me. Strong lady!
I am in heaven!

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