Monday, March 4, 2013

Serampore (Sri Y) and Mother Teresa

And we are all on Z-packs. Fortunately all we have to do is ask for the medication we want at a pharmacy, no Rx needed. So between that and Web MD we are set. We all have colds. Even our Indian driver. We blame the dust and smoky air, he probably blames us.
Off we went anyway. Serampore, where Yogananda spent his years with Swami Sri Yukteswar before coming to the US. Old narrow streets again. First to the mandir for Sri Y erected in what had been his yard/courtyard.  The house next door, where he lived and had his ashram, now belongs to distant family and is not open to YSS/SRF. Look at the picture below showing the local YSS sites--we saw them all. Easy walk. My favorite was the old banyan tree where Babaji appeared to Sri Y. The air roots have grown down around some very old Shiva lingums, and even through the wall of the house.
We met by chance a YSS member who was tearing down his house brick by brick and rebuilding it into a modern home with guest rooms for people coming to see the YSS shrines and holy spots. He took us over to Serampore College to see where Yogananda received his BA, without attending many classes. Wonder how parents tell that story to their kids!
In the afternoon we drove into Kolkata proper, and I frankly would be a very happy to never do that again! Like the Kumbh all over again, only it stays like that day in and day out. Yuck.
We did go to Mother Teresa's crypt and her powerful energy is still there, so Kolkata wasn't totally bad. Two of the nuns were being sent off to America (we didn't learn where) while we were there and the girls sang them on their way. M Teresa has always been one of my heroes, ever since hearing her "give me the babies" speech in Scranton.  The rose pedals I received from her crypt will have a place on honor when I return home.
Now we are packing for an AM flight to Ranchi. I love the  Dakshineswar ashram, but after today am happy to say "goodbye" to Kolkata!

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