Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ranchi. PY Mahasamadhi

Ashram retreat again. Again, opportunities for unlimited meditation in Yogananda's bedroom and at the Mandir.

Because today is the anniversary of Yogananda's Mahasamadhi, the YSS monks opened the ashram grounds to any and all local nuns and monks, to enjoy the gardens (which are the best I've yet seem in India) and to then be served lunch by the monastics here, and receive a gift of fabric (yards of) to clothe themselves for another year. The majority were from Vedanta, both nuns and monks. Some Vishnu priests were present, the others I couldn't identify. A few looked like wandering sadhus.

Wouldn't be wonderful if western churches did the same? Honor each other on their holy days or special days of observance? On Luther's birthday the Lutherans could throw a party for the Pentacostals, and so on. Think it would work?

Ate lunch at the ashram, returned to the hotel to rest in in a few hours will attempt to assemble a sari. Wish me luck! Three hour meditation tonight!

Two observations: first, sidewalks are for dogs and drying cow dung. Have yet to see people on them in Ranchi. Two, if you get into a rickshaw you must immediately pull out your mobile and at least pretend to be talking to someone.

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